Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Top Ten Reasons Why I Blog

Number 10:
To create is to live!

Number 9:
Why not?

Number 8:
Because you can't stop me...nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

Number 7:
As David Bowie says about writing his music, I write for myself--if anyone else enjoys it too that's great.

Number 6:
The cool kids shunned me.

Number 5:
I'm a word nerd.

Number 4:
The word blog is just so darn fun to say...blaaaawgg.

Number 3:
Laughter is one of the seven natural ways of healing.

Number 2:
My computer gets lonely if I don't.

and the Number 1 reason why I blog...

I crack myself up!


Two of my faves (they're corny but cute):

Classic Joke #1
Friends of mine lived in Frankfurt but they got sick of being called Frankfurters--so they moved to Hamburg.

Classic Joke #2

Horse walks into a bar. Bartender asks: "Why the long face?"


If an alien came to Earth and saw baby food in the supermarket would he wonder if it was food for babies or food made from babies?